Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Kairouan, the historic city

Kairouan is a historic city located in the center of Tunisia. Founded in the 7th century, is the first Islamic city in the Maghreb. Kairouan, whose name etymologically means "camp" was the most important North African holy city and to this day it retains its role as the cultural and religious capital because it was proclaimed in 2009 "capital of Islamic culture. "It is also the fourth city in Islam after Mecca, Medina and Jerusalem.

Its medina with its fortified walls, its souks, religious monuments and buildings testify to the greatness of its prestigious past. And thanks to the historical and architectural value of its monuments, the diversity and abundance of its remains, its rich historical and cultural heritage, Kairouan was inscribed on the World Heritage List of UNESCO in 1988 .

On the main street of the medina is the oldest wells Kairouan, the famous Bir Barrouta, whose water is sacred: it is drawn today by a wooden waterwheel driven by a camel.

This city is home of the jewels of Islamic architecture, including the ancient Zawiya Sidi Abid el-Ghariani, which is an impressive example of Arabo-Andalusian architecture with its elegant patio portico and finely decorated wooden ceilings, and the zawiya of Sidi Amor Abada, a large architectural complex with six domes, which are exposed to writing covered pious objects. But the most outstanding of these zaouïas is that of Sidi Saheb, nicknamed "Mosque of the Barber." This mausoleum is the tomb of a saint Abu al-Balawi Zamaa, companion of the Prophet. It would have kept three hairs from the beard of the Prophet, hence the name given to this religious edifice mosquée.Cet offers a fascinating decor; It is adorned with beautiful tiles and stucco panels.

Kairouan is famous for its famous rugs hand knotted in wool and also for its pastries whose makrouds.

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